Who Am I

Yuheng Chen, Bachelor degree of Software Engineering of Beihang University (2011~2015), born hacker. Currently COO and Lab Director of Raventech, Baidu. Crazy fan of Hackathons all around the world. Founder of Hackathon team hACKbUSTER and its mother organization 43 Lab.

Public Speech
Team Leadership
Project Management
Cocoa Programming
Software Design
Multi-Platform Debugging Skills
Python & PHP Server Programming
Unity Development
Database System
Github Stars
Personal Apps
Hackathon Participated
Hackathon Awards
Hackathon 1st Prize


Found hACKbUSTER Hackathon team.

Having participated or won the following Hackathons:

#RANK 1# 2015 Dorahack Beihang University

#RANK 1# 2015 Segmentfault Beijing Hackathon

#RANK 1# 2015 China Art Hackathon by CAA

#RANK 3# 2016 Uber China Hackathon

#RANK 1# 2016 Segmentfault/AngelHack Shenzhen Hackathon

#RANK 1# 2016 Segmentfault/AngelHack Beijing Hackathon

#RANK 1# 2016 HackerX Tsinghua University

#RANK 3# 2016 Shanghai i-Lab Hackathon

#NORANK# 2016 Shanghai HACKxFDU

#RANK 2# 2018 Dorahack Blockchain Hackathon Beijing

#RANK 1# 2018 IKEA Hackathon Shanghai

The Github page of this org is here,we open-sourced every projects. Welcome to join us.

In Others' Eyes:


Besides coding and software developing itself, I have tons of interests in this amazing world.

Writing has always been a life dream of mine. In old times, I wrote novels including science fiction, war, love etc. Now I wrote blogs in my spare time.
I used to paint when I was little. Having learned painting for almost 10 years, I have strong basic painting skills and good feelings about art. Thus, I also created some interesting art work in my spare time.
Manchester City Fan
Soccer is my favorite sports activity and I've been a crazy fan of Manchester City since 2011. Favorite position is Control Midfielder.
Crazy fan of electronic music and epic music. Especially love Two Steps from Hell. Having Dreamed of listening to its concert for years.


See blogs